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Invisalign® Clear Aligners in Portland Downtown

If your teeth aren't as straight as you would like, then you may feel reluctant to share your smile. At Bridgeview Dental, we offer Invisalign clear aligners to correct mild to moderate bite misalignments. Our team is passionate about helping you discover a smile you love while protecting your oral health with our reliable invisible braces.

We are proud to transform the smiles of the residents of Portland and the surrounding areas. You can trust that we will consistently make you a priority and will provide the effective and discreet treatment you need to smile confidently. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


How Do Invisalign Treatments Work?

Clear aligners are custom trays that guide your teeth to their optimal position. The treatment consists of graduating sets of clear trays that apply pinpoint pressure to gradually shift your teeth and create a straighter smile. It is an increasingly popular treatment because it allows you to straighten your smile discreetly without bulky wires or brackets.

Invisalign clear aligners can effectively correct mild to moderate bite malocclusions or misalignments. If you have crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth, then the clear aligners can correct the position of your teeth. Invisible braces are also used to correct overbites and underbites.

What Are the Benefits of Clear Aligners?

As your teeth reach their optimal position, you will begin to notice some of the benefits of straight teeth, including elevating the appearance of your smile. Your bite pattern improves because your teeth are properly aligned with the opposite jaw, and the forces exerted when you chew are evenly distributed. This prevents uneven wear and damage to your teeth. It also boosts your overall oral health because, when your teeth are properly spaced, it's easier to floss and brush them, which helps to prevent cavities and gum disease.

Our Invisalign Braces Process

In order to qualify for clear aligners in Portland, our team will perform a gentle and thorough exam of your teeth, gums, and jaws to determine the severity of your bite misalignment. We will also take detailed measurements and impressions and then discuss the results of the exam with you and what your personalized treatment plan will include.

Our team will send the measurements and impressions to a trusted lab where your Invisalign trays are crafted. Once we have received your sets of aligners, we will have you return to our office to ensure a proper fit and provide tips and instructions. To maintain your proposed treatment timeline, it is vital that you wear your clear trays for approximately 22 hours each day and only remove them when you eat, drink, or brush and floss your teeth. You will wear each set of clear aligners for approximately two weeks and then proceed to the next set. Our team will set up a few appointments to check on your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Invisalign Clear Aligner FAQs

Straightening your smile is an important journey to boost your confidence and oral health. Our compassionate team encourages you to voice your questions and concerns. We are happy to provide the answers and information you need to feel confident in your treatment plan. Here are some of the most common questions we receive about Invisalign clear aligners in Portland.

Do I have to change my diet during clear braces treatment?

No. Invisalign trays are completely removable, so you won't have to give up any foods or drinks during treatment. You will simply remove your clear aligners anytime you eat or drink and put them back in after you've finished your meal and brushed or teeth. It's vital to remove the aligners before eating because the force of chewing can damage the trays and enjoying beverages other than water while wearing your invisible braces can stain the plastic.

No. The clear aligners are made of smooth, thin plastic, which means there are no metal wires or brackets irritating the inside of your cheeks or lips. It's normal to experience slight pressure for a day or two after graduating to a new set of aligners, but the feeling will disappear.

Invisible braces are easy to care for because you simply soak or wash them with approved cleaners. Our friendly dentist will provide tips and instructions regarding which cleaners to use and how often to clean your clear trays. If you lose or break a set of aligners, call our office, and we will discuss the next steps. You can wear the previous set of aligners to maintain your progress.

Our Reliable Invisalign Clear Aligners Treatment in Portland

Are you ready to show off a straighter smile? At Bridgeview Dental, we offer Invisalign clear aligners to straighten your teeth as discreetly as possible. Whether it's your first time using clear aligners or you need to correct a relapsed bite, our team is here for you. If you're looking for Invisalign treatments in Portland, contact us today to schedule your appointment.


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